Chelsea Adams
Standard 5
Assess, provide feedback and report on Student Learning
Focus Area
Assess student learning.
Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative, and summative approaches to assess student learning.
Artefact 1
Mentor Placement Quote
Chelsea worked with me to create working groups for length measurement, based on formal and informal assessments. She recognised the importance of not relying on one assessment tool, to make decisions about the learning opportunities for each student. Chelsea worked incidentally with students and small groups, recognising specific areas of learning to focus on.
Artefact 2
Marking Document - Year 8 Dance Final Placement
Assessment Task
Final Marking Spread
Individual Criteria Marking & Breakdown
Criteria 1
Criteria 2
Criteria 3
Criteria 4
I inserted comments on the Excel squares as I marked each section. These will be referred to when writing up assessment feedback for each learner.
Criteria 5
Criteria 6
Criteria 7
Focus Area
Provide feedback to students on their learning.
Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning.
Artefact 1
Learner Report Feedback - Drama Viewpoints Assessment
Below are individual comments that I drafter and my mentor overviewed for term 3 reports on the year 9 Drama ViewPoints Task. I completed these after viewing all performances and utilised a strengths based approach when disscussing the students abilities.
Focus Area
Make consistent and comparable judgments.
Demonstrate an understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgments of student learning.
Artefact 1
Expectations Matrix for Specific Learners and or Class
This strategy falls under that positive Behaviour in Schools program and can be created for a class and or then specific learners based on their needs within the classroom. Treating this task as a collaboration between teacher and students removes the 'rules' mindset and allows learners to take responsibility for their actions and consequences.
Focus Area
Interpret student data.
Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice.
Artefact 1
Mentor Report Comment
Chelsea was part of the planning for our term assessments and engaged in our weekly data meetings in which she helped to analyse data and use it to inform our weekly planning. This was evident in her small group and whole class teaching. She also took on the role of assessing students’ reading levels and providing them with an appropriate leveled reader twice a week giving students feedback on how they can improve.
Artefact 2
Drama Group Marking Rubric
Utilising a group rubric to mark the performance provides a snapshot of the learner's understanding of the task in an overviewed manner. This then allows for individual reflection tasks to also be completed by each student.
Focus Area
Report on student achievement.
Demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parents/carers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement.
Artefact 1
Comments Spreadsheet
Keeping a comments spreadsheet in Excel with each learner's name and a date spread allows for inferences and reflections to be accurately made regarding the learner and then collated before parent-teacher conferences. Utilising different grading methods and essential assessments interactive format will assist in reflecting the student's ability and then progress.