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Standard 4

Create and maintain safe and supportive Learning Environments
Focus Area 

Support student participation. 

Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities.

Artefact 1
Whole Class - Regulation Time

Including whole class regulation time for the learners to be still, calm, and refocus on their breathing. Executing this within the prep room after recess and lunch ensured an environment that allows for learners to learn to regulate their emotions and how they can use their breath. In some sessions, regulation began with turning off the lights and lying on the floor as I told a story, and some sessions used a digital meditation and movement resource called moovel.

Artefact 2
Support - Therapy Dogs

In an after-school musical rehearsal, the therapy dogs were present to assist students with extra needs in regulation with pressure therapy. The dogs were able to check in on specific learners as rehearsals took place and other learners' wellbeing was positively impacted due to their friendly presence. This generated a safe and reassuring environment for learners whilst being with their peers and engaging in after school activities.

Artefact 3
Multi-cultural Resource Centre 

This multicultural resource page assist in providing advice on particular topics related to learning and teaching of multicultural learners and ways that you can tailor learning experiences for them.

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Focus Area 

Manage classroom activities.

Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions.

Artefact 1
Mentor Report Comments

During small group work and whole class teaching Chelsea provided students with regular feedback on their learning and set goals to support their progress. She used these goals to contribute to lesson planning. Chelsea was part of creating Google slides with visuals to teach Maths daily reviews taught at the beginning of our numeracy sessions as well as using videos and touch screen elements of the classroom whiteboard to engage students in learning. Chelsea used a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies such as clapping in a pattern and using class reward systems to gain students’ attention and refocus them on their learning. She organised various activities into rotations in numeracy and literacy sessions and made sure students understood how to organise themselves at these activities.

Focus Area 

Manage challenging behavior.

Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behavior.

Artefact 1
Education Support Certificate IV Qualification - Holmesglen TAFE
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Artefact 2
Mentor Comment

In her time at Toorak Primary School Chelsea has been part of defusing a number of incidents both in class and in the yard, in which students were acting in an unsafe way. She was able to safely guide students to making the right choice and de-escalating possibly dangerous situations – she has also been able to observe experienced members of staff and our Wellbeing Assistant Principal dealing with students who were very emotionally heightened.

Professional Reading
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Focus Area 

Maintain student safety.

Describe strategies that support students’ wellbeing and safety working within school and/or system, curriculum, and legislative requirements.

Artefact 1
Mentor Report Comments

Chelsea's presence and teaching style helped create a safe space for the students. She was able to assist in the assessment of Year 9s and VCE Dance SAC's, confidently responding to the criteria and assessment processes. She even completed a VCE Dance SAC herself, and this also helped her understand the requirements of each written response.

Artefact 2
First Aid Training Certificates
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Focus Area 

Use ICT safely, responsibly, and ethically.

Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible, and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.

Artefact 1
Mentor Report Comments

Chelsea demonstrated an awareness of how to keep students safe online, particularly when using iPads for learning tasks.

Within the prep classroom on my third placement use of iPads with the students was regular and allowed me to check and observe learners utilizing them safely as well as execute privacy settings on the technology that keep learners from accessing or viewing information that is irrelevant to their level of inquiry. I would like to work on this area of knowledge and see how I can integrate digital learning and drama and dance content as well as utilise digital whiteboards for English and Maths skills to collaboratively engage whole class learning. I acknowledge that there is also still lots to learn about reporting on student behavior and utilizing a digital roll system like compass.

Arts Education

Connection to learning in the arts affords students to express opinion, emotion and larger ideas; generates cross-curricular learning connected to basic maths skills of counting, shapes and communicative literacies. Arts Education generates people who are resilient, empathetic, and optimistic about the world we live in.

I acknowledge the Boonwurrung and Wurundjerri People of the Kulin Nation as the First peoples of this land and for whom sovereignty was never ceded. I recognise that they are the caretakers of the earth, water, and skies upon which work, live, and teach. I respect and honor the first people's connection to storytelling through dance, art, and voice, and commit to sharing these stories and truth-telling within my classroom.

Acknowledgement of Country
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